Lecture Series

An interesting topic every week on the fundamentals of art
Date and Location
Fridays 6PM to 9PM, Pacific Time
To Attend lecture, you'll need to join the Midjourney discord, here:
Join the Midjourney discord
And then go to stage-1 to take the class!
Check out blk cat's speciall 100 drawing challenge
Blk cat iz heer
We will meet every week to hold a FREE Academy Lecture.
- An interesting topic in art, tech, or history (~60min)
- A weekly raffle for Fast hours, redeemable on niji journey or Midjourney!
- Instructions on how to do a unique drawing exercise for this week, using niji (~30 min)
- Free time with the instructors to ask questions. (~90min)

- July 14th to July 28th (3 sessions)
- Break
- September 1st to September 29th (5 sessions)